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The Goodbye Crop Top Podcast



Fifty is not the new 40. Fifty is the new 50 and this is the point of Goodbye Crop Top, a podcast about style and aging—and aging with style.

We’re celebrating where we are now and the many experiences that brought us here in one piece. And there were some close calls, right?

Our goal is for women to lift other women because newsflash:

There’s enough for all of us.

The Goodbye Crop Top podcast is a love letter to women over 50  and a hand reached back to those who will be here one day, too. We give a platform to the important and too-often-marginalized voices of women of a certain age who aren’t going quietly into the sunset wearing sensible shoes.


Episodes feature first-person story-telling and dynamic conversations with extraordinary thinkers, creators, designers and entrepreneurs—some highly recognizable, others less so—but all of whom are killing it out there and looking damned good while doing it. To paraphrase Nora Ephron,

“We want what they’re having.”

